

32 tuotetta

Ergonomic workstation hook for hanging mats or bags on table edges, aiding storage and cleaning.Metal workstation hook attached to table edge for hanging mats or bags.
Pink Blush Gymba activation board for improved workplace movement, enhances metabolism, blood circulation, and concentration.Pink Blush Gymba activation board for movement, enhanced focus, and calorie burning at your workplace.
Aktivointilauta, Pink Blush Alennushinta €128,23 EUR
Compact WalkingPad Pro treadmill for office exercise, featuring a foldable design and quiet motor, ideal for small spaces.Compact and foldable WalkingPad Pro treadmill demonstrating easy storage feature for small spaces.
WalkingPad Pro kävelymatto Alennushinta €650,00 EUR
Graphite Gymba activation board for active standing, boosting metabolism and blood circulation at your workplace.Graphite Gymbailu activation board for workplace movement and health benefits
Aktivointilauta, grafiitti Alennushinta €128,23 EUR
Aktivointilauta, TangerineAktivointilauta, Tangerine
Aktivointilauta, Tangerine Alennushinta €128,23 EUR
Industrial washable mat for standing in dry and damp environments, reduces fatigue and improves circulation, eco-friendly design.Industrial standing mat in use, showing comfort and strain reduction for workers in dry and damp environments.
Teollinen seisomamatto Alennushinta €136,29 EUR
Tidepool Green activation board by Gymba for workplace movement and improved healthTidepool Green Gymba activation board for workplace movement and metabolism boost
Aktivointilauta, Tidepool Green Alennushinta €128,23 EUR
Greige Gymba activation board for healthy workplace, promoting movement, metabolism, and improved concentration with patented elasticity.Greige Gymba activation board for dynamic workplace movement and improved circulation
Aktivointilauta, Greige Alennushinta €128,23 EUR
Person standing on ergonomic Mousetrapper Active workstation mat with sneakersErgonomic Mousetrapper Active workstation mat for comfortable standing at height-adjustable desks.
Seisontamatto Active Alennushinta €81,00 EUR
Ergonomic jungle print office mat with green and white leaf design on a dark surface.Muvmat ergonomic office mat with jungle print design showing two-layer construction for comfortable standing work.
Ergonomic Muvmat office mat with topographic print for enhanced comfort and productivity.Ergonomic office mat with topographic print for comfort and productivity in standing workspaces.
Muvmat ergonomic office mat with tree print for comfortable standing supportMuvmat ergonomic office mat with tree print providing comfort and support for prolonged standing on hard surfaces.
Black Muvmat ergonomic office mat for comfortable standing by Aeris, featuring a dual-layer design.Muvmat ergonomic office mat in black with dual-layer design showcasing its innovative surface for comfortable standing.
Muvmat työpistematto, musta Alennushinta €183,82 EUR
Premium ErgoFlex black nitrile workstation mat 60x86 cm for kitchen and food environments, non-slip and moisture-resistant design.
Black nitrile workstation mat 86x143 cm designed for food industry, ideal for wet and oily environments.
Blue ergonomic workstation mat with fabric texture, enhancing comfort and well-being in workspaces.
Työpistematto, sininen kangas Alennushinta €104,03 EUR
Ergonomic red fabric workstation mat for desks and tables, 550x780x18mm, durable polyurethane, ErgoFinland design.
Työpistematto, punainen kangas Alennushinta €104,03 EUR
Työpistematto, harmaa kangasStanding on a grey ergonomic workstation mat for comfort and support
Työpistematto, harmaa kangas Alennushinta €104,03 EUR
Nitrile workstation mat connectors combining two mats for custom configurations.
Grey ergonomic workstation mat for standing relief and improved circulation at workstations.
StandMat Textile fabric-covered workstation mat for active standing and back support in offices and homesPerson standing on StandMat Textile workstation mat with blue shoes, showcasing polypropylene surface and keyhole detail.
Black ErgoFinland StandMat Boost Soft Workstation Mat with bubble-patterned surface and elastic properties for improved comfort.StandMat Boost workstation mat promoting circulation with 254 activation points for comfortable standing in office and workspace.
StandMat työpistematto soft 24 mmStandMat työpistematto soft 24 mm
Moonlight Blue Gymbailu activation board for workplace fitness and improved concentration.Moonlight Blue Gymba activation board for improved metabolism and alertness at work, featuring patented elasticity for versatile movement.
Aktivointilauta, Moonlight Blue Alennushinta €128,23 EUR

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14 päivää

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